My clients

2013 - Diuna - Authorized translations from Greek language

2013 - Biuro Tłumaczeń Skandynawskich Emilia Fabisiak - Authorized translations from Greek language

2013 - INTERPERSONAL S.C. - Specialized translations from Romanian and Greek language

2013 - TPI Sp. z o.o. - Authorized translations from Romanian language

2013 - Kancelaria Tłumaczeń Przysięgłych CJS - Authorized translations from Greek language

2013 - MIW - Authorized translations from Romanian and Greek language

2013 - DOR-TEKST - Authorized and regular translations from Romanian and Greek language

2013 - AMAR TRANSLATIONS - Authorized translations from Romanian and Greek language

2013 - TYSIĄCLECIE - Authorized translations from Romanian and Greek language

2013 - KREDYT INKASO - Authorized and regular translations from Romanian language

2012 - KOMPUTEKST - authorized translations from Romanian language

2012 - Alpha Biuro Tłumaczeń - Specialized translations from Greek and Romanian language

2012 - LIDEX - Authorized translations from Greek language

2012 - Fundacja Rozwoju Społeczeństwa Informacyjnego - Foundation for Development of the Information Society - Consecutive translations during the Training Program in the Information Society

2012 - LingPerfect Polska - Translation and proofreading of technical texts

2012 - EUROTRAD - Simultaneous translation during the visit of the Prime Minister of Moldova Vladimir Filat in Warsaw

2012 - Plenum - Simultaneous translation during the Meetings of representatives of the European Union for the implementation of the "Strategy 2020"

2012 - TMS POLAND - Written translations during the implementation of new products in Romania

2012 - Invenire - Simultaneous translations during the Moldovan-Polish Parliamentary Assembly in the Sejm of the Republic of Poland

2012 - ALL CORRECT - Written technical and legal translations from Romanian and English language into Polish and vice versa

2010 - PRO FUTURO - Simultaneous and written technical translations from Romanian and English language into Polish and vice versa

2009 - Telewizja Grecka ERT3 - Translations of recordings from Spanish and Romanian on the Greek as a part of the "Balkan Express" programme

2009 - ALTIX Sp. z o. o. - Technical translations from Romanian and English into Polish and vice versa in the field of computer equipment for people with disabilities

2009 - BTS Biuro Tłumaczeń Skandynawskich - Professional specialized translations from English into Polish and Romanian

2009 - ASMAN - Teacher of Romanian

2007 - EKODECOR - Acquiring customers and business partners, negotiating contracts, intermediating contracts, product presentation in Greek, Romanian and English

2006 - VOYTEX SP.J - Acquiring customers and business partners, negotiating contracts, intermediating contracts, product presentation in Greek, Romanian and English

2006 - Chemonics International - Interpreter durint the conference of the European Union debating on agriculture - "The accession to the European Union and the agriculture. Experiences of new state members"
tel. (+48) 784 134 161